
BIB is a producer and supplier of both basic raw materials and finished products for Nutraceutical, Functional, Medicinal, Homeopathic and other natural products industries worldwide.The unique idea behind the conceptualization of BIB is to “merge nature's wealth with Bio- Science concepts for a healthier, fresher, and better future.” Our wide range of products – include Pure Botanicals, Herbal Extracts, Essential Oils, Fragrances, and Effective Micro Organisms, all of which help ensure your needs for living in sync with nature while not impacting nature’s resources in an irreversible manner. Insuring the better health of the lives and sustainability.

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BIB is a producer and supplier of basic raw materials and finished products for Nutraceutical, Functional, Medicinal, Homeopathic and other natural products industries worldwide. We pride ourselves to be operating out of India, with its rich history of having developed unique systems of traditional knowledge that leverage the therapeutical, medicinal and life- sustaining properties of its flora and fauna without throwing its ecological diversity out of balance.

Our objective is to work for industries serving human existence by offering nature’s care with the utmost sensitivity to conserve nature’s bounty. With this intention, we, at BIB, serve our clients by means of the most excellent quality ingredients that they demand from us. The purity of our products only matches the purity of our intention. We constantly keep proving ourselves every time we take up our clients’ requests, fulfilling their requirements.

We provide all the ingredients listed consisting of natural resources such as Dried Herbs, Plant Concentrates (Dry or Liquid), Plant Oils, Plant Derived Chemicals, Cosmetic Ingredients, Functional Ingredients, Plant Derived Colors and Resins (Plant Exudates). Other specialty products included, separately highlighting their importance.

Pure Botanicals

We take the utmost care to ensure superior quality right from the selection of planting material for cultivation.

Plant Extracts

You can totally trust our products as we ensure every time that the herbs are properly identified and assessed.


Phytochemicals are non-nutritive plant chemicals that have protective or disease preventive properties.

Organic Products

Organic agriculture includes all agricultural systems that promote environmentally, socially and economically.

Natural Essential Oils

We deliver expertness We have consistently proved our expertise in product & method developing.

Natural Colors

The color contrasts or pigments you compare to our product quality will be distinct and constantly acceptable every time.


Probiotics constitute the Micro-organisms which are designated as health enhancers or promoters, and given status of GRAS.

Functional Ingredients

We are suppliers of Pure Herbs with pharma, cosmetic and agricultural importance .

Phyto Reference Standards

A Phyto Reference Standard is a standardized substance which is used as a measurement base.

Specialty Products

All the multi – potent natural products with regular high market demand are included.



We have listed herein the capabilities and resources at BIB, so as to get associated with your group of excellence in shaping an innovation – in terms of product offerings. Development/ Quality. BIB has been successful in developing a significant number of naturally derived products that are used by the pharmaceutical industry as excipients, drug delivery agents, and active pharmaceutical ingredients and building blocks. These include high purity phytochemicals and derivatives (Plant Origin). BIB has intensified its focus and activities in this area, as a key element of its plans to expand the Nutrition & Health sector business landscape.

We Are Always With You To Give Best Services

Contact Us

01Custom Manufacturing

We listed the resourceful capabilities of BIB getting associated with your group of excellence in shaping an innovation – in terms of Product Development and Quality Assurance.

02Contract Cultivation

Indian agriculture and the advancements it has made in terms of leveraging emergent business opportunities both inside the country and outside enable us to align our strengths.

03Biodiversity Compliance

Because of the Convention on Biological Diversity, it has become a standard practice for collectors to pay a fee for access to biodiversity and to enter into contractual agreements.